Elevating Equity in Economic Development: An Inclusive Recovery Toolkit Tour


New Growth Innovation Network (NGIN) is wrapping up their two-year Inclusive Recovery Initiative by sharing their lessons and insights in the Inclusive Recovery Toolkit. The Inclusive Recovery Initiative, with collaboration from the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Research Foundation, was a national program supporting Economic Development Organizations (EDOs) and Districts (EDDs) in embedding inclusive […]

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Microsoft Power BI®: Creating an Interactive Text and Data Visualization Tool for a 21st Century Workforce


Demand for interactive data visualizations and tools in the Labor Market Information space is growing. The increasing role of text elements as variables to display in these designs create challenges for designers depending on the platform used. Whether you query data internally or present information to customers, having user and developer friendly tools are a […]

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The C.U.R.E. to Inclusion, Starts with U


Ruth Rathblott will share her CURE model for expanding diversity by focusing on inclusion and belonging; she will also share her own story of being born with a limb difference, hiding it for 25 years, and her path to unhiding. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore their own differences through personal reflection and engagement […]

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State Trends and Indiana’s Experiences on Enhanced Wage Records


States maintain flexibility in the information they require from employers on the wage records of their employees. There has been a growing movement among federal and state agencies, researchers, and even businesses to “enhance” Unemployment Insurance wage records (EWR) to include more data, including hours worked and occupational codes, to better assess job market demands, […]

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Emerging Trends on Enhanced Wage Records and the Benefit to Businesses


States maintain flexibility in the information they require from employers on the wage records of their employees. There has been a growing movement among federal and state agencies, researchers, and even businesses to “enhance” Unemployment Insurance wage records (EWR) to include more data, including hours worked and occupational codes, to better assess job market demands, […]

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The Workforce Information Advisory Council (WIAC): Recommendations on Workforce and Labor Market Information


The WIAC is a Federal Advisory Committee that recommends ways to improve the nationwide workforce and labor market information systems to the Secretary of Labor. The new committee, appointed in mid-2020, reconvened in September and December 2020 to begin work on new recommendations to a new administration about how to change Federal statistical agencies and […]

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Examining the Workforce Needs of Food, Agriculture and Forestry Industries


This webinar will highlight the key findings of a recent examination of the workforce needs facing Missouri’s food, agriculture and forestry industries. This study used labor market information, employer surveys and key stakeholder interviews to identify the current and future challenges facing employers in these industries. Conducted throughout 2019 and early 2020, this research highlights […]

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