Why do certifications and licenses matter?
Non-degree credentials offer a lot of promise for helping jobseekers adapt to rapid technological change and companies hire workers with up-to-date skills. They are often less expensive and quicker to obtain than a degree, and can impart specific, in-demand skill sets.
The State Certifications and Licenses Data were developed to provide a baseline for understanding the impact that certifications and licenses have on employment and earnings across occupations, industries, and demographics. With this data, local and state practitioners in economic development, workforce development, and education can understand existing labor market conditions, helping them development effective policies and programs to meet the employment and education needs of their constituents.
Preliminary reports:
State Level Attainment (Click for interactive map) ![]() |
National Fact Sheet (Click for PDF version) ![]() <!–State Fact Sheets coming soon–> |
State Fact Sheets
(Click for interactive dashboard)
What are the State Certifications and Licenses Data?
The Labor Market Information (LMI) Institute produces the State Certifications and Licenses Data based on questions included in the Current Population Survey (CPS) that measure the prevalence of certifications and licenses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes seven tables reflecting national level data (https://www.bls.gov/cps/certifications-and-licenses.htm) every April. The State Certifications and Licenses Data capture the prevalence of certifications and licenses in each state and the nation. They include twelve tables — state level replicas of the seven tables BLS produces at the national level and five bonus tables with additional breakdowns by occupation, industry, education, race, and sex. The data provide insights about the relationship between the attainment of credentials, median weekly earnings, and the probability of employment.
Introducing LMII State Certifications and Licenses Data Tables (Overview)
State Certifications and Licenses Data Tables: Methods, Data, and Findings
Presentation: How LMI Institute State Certifications and Licenses Data Informs State-Level Research
For more information, contact Marty Romitti.