The LMI Insider – September 2023


September 2023

Welcome to LMI Insider –

A Publication of the Labor Market Information Institute

A strong foundation for your team’s success

Is someone on your team relatively new to workforce development? If so, the LMI Basics Training is for them.

This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn the basics of labor market information (LMI). Attendees will learn about different data sources, how to conduct occupational analyses, and how to use LMI to make informed decisions.

But this course isn’t just about learning the facts.  We’ll have interactive exercises and plenty of opportunities to network with other LMI professionals.

Also, registrations will get FREE access to the e-learning modules for a full year.

So, what are you waiting for? Have your team sign up for the Basic LMI Analyst Training course today! It’s the perfect way to learn about the labor market and advance your career.

Upcoming Events, Trainings, and Webinars

Introduction to Labor Market Information eLearning

Available on demand – level-up new analysts ready to be introduced to the world of LMI

Anytime anyplace

Basic LMI Analyst Training 

Nov 02-03, 2023 

Arlington, VA 

Leadership in Research Workshop 

Nov 08-09, 2023 

Arlington, VA 

C2ER 64th Annual Conference

June 11-14, 2024 

Norfolk, VA

Insider View – Be in the Know

Data Leadership Starts Here

Success in economic and workforce development requires learning specific skills. How do you balance administration, sharing workload, and building morale? How do you manage, lead, and inspire a team? How do you effectively communicate with internal and external stakeholders, create a strategic plan, manage your budget, among numerous other tasks? This engaging, interactive workshop will help ensure you have the tools to succeed. Register for the joint C2ER / LMI leadership training in Arlington, VA. From November 08– 09.

Share Your Work, 2024 Call For Proposals Open!

The Labor Market Information (LMI) Institute are currently soliciting proposals for the next annual conference and forum, which is currently planned to be an in-person event June 11-14, 2024 in Norfolk, VA. The theme this year is Norfolk 2024: Navigating Data for Economic Success. Below is information on this year’s conference and details on how to submit your proposal.

Breakout sessions and individual presentations are a key component for our attendees to share, learn, converse, and interact with one another on topics of mutual interest, compare research methods, data collection practices, visualization tools, and lessons learned in the field.

We invite members and non-members to submit session proposals by

Friday, October 20, 2023.

Featured Reports and Tools

Alabama’s HWOL

The Help Wanted Online Data Series™ fills a critical gap in the current U.S. economic indicators by providing timely monthly measures of labor demand (advertised vacancies) at the national, regional, State and metropolitan area levels. These monthly measures are comparable in timing and geographic detail to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) monthly measures of labor supply (unemployment).

Nebraska’s VIZioN LMI

VIZioN lmi provides interactive data in maps, charts and other unique visualizations detailing data such as worker flows in-and-out of Nebraska, commuting patterns, and childcare availability.

Does your state have a projections dashboard?

Share it with us! We’d love to see it and feature it in the monthly LMI Insider.

We welcome your feedback on this edition, and for content suggestions in future editions, of The LMI Insider. Please direct comments, questions, or for more information on the LMI Institute to Marty Romitti, CREC Senior Vice President, at

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