Projections Managing Partnership Adopts 2021-2023 Plan
The Projections Management Partnership (PMP) serves as a central hub and primary technical assistance resource for state analysts as they develop and deliver high quality state and local employment projections. This includes:
- Maintaining a shared software and consistent methodology for producing projections.
- Fostering a network of projections subject matter experts and analysts to exchange ideas.
- Promoting professional excellence and continuously improving employment projections.
- Establishing common standards for producing state and local employment projections.
- Representing the concerns of projections analysts to national stakeholders.
- Helping customers use projections data and related data products more effectively.
In September 2020, the PMP adopted a new three-year strategic plan (2021-2023) after completing a series of virtual working sessions. Strategies and activities are identified to support the accomplishment of three major goals: Strengthen the PMP value proposition; Increase the value and relevance of PMP products and services; and Enhance PMP capabilities. See Plan
The PMP supports the work of state LMI offices and is governed by a 9-member board of state LMI Directors, with support from partners in Colorado, Utah, Illinois, North Carolina, the LMI Institute, along with the U.S. Department of Labor Employment Training Administration (ETA) and Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). For more information on the PMP visit: