A Publication of the Labor Market Information Institute
Deadline Extended – Share Your Research!
The 2022 LMI Institute Forum planned to be in Columbus, Ohio is nine months away and the call for proposals and sessions is open! We want to hear from you about your most recent projects or studies.
This year’s theme is The Road Ahead: Using Data to Pave the Way – we are interested in learning about the future of local communities, workforce research, and the larger direction of the field in general. What does a prosperous future for everyone look like? How do we use data to promote inclusive economic growth and support a diverse workforce? How does this create opportunities for local businesses, economies, and residents?
We can’t wait to hear from you!
Proposals due 5:00 PM ET on Thursday, November 4, 2021
Voices of LMI: David Lipnicky, ETA Federal Workforce Information (LMI) Project Officer, Dallas Regional Office
“CareerOneStop does far more than just providing state labor market information at a state, local, and national level….It is a pretty robust amalgamation of web tools and systems for overall career exploration. [It offers] specialty tools for youth, people in career transition, intermediaries at the state and local levels, business tools, and tools for targeted populations.” – David Lipnicky
Upcoming Events, Trainings, and Webinars
Introduction to Labor Market Information eLearning
Available on demand – level-up new analysts ready to be introduced to the world of LMI
Anytime anyplace
Save the date!
2022 Annual Forum:
The Road Ahead: Using Data to Pave the Way
June 13 – 16, 2022
Columbus, OH + Virtual
Insider View – Be in the Know
2021 PMP Summit Recap and Presentations
The PMP Summit was a free event targeted to support the work of state projections analysts. All states and territories producing projections are automatically PMP members. We had an exciting week hearing from federal partners, technical leads from various states, and special keynotes on the Future of Work and a PMP project creating an Automation Exposure Index for occupations.
All keynote presentations are available to view on the LMI Institute website. Take a look – the LMI Institute is proud to partner with the PMP.
PBS’ Future of Work series in collaboration with the Institute for Women’s Policy Research hosted Shaping the Future of Work: A Conversations about Women and the Workplace Post-COVID. As the pandemic continues, one in four women consider moving to less demanding work roles or leaving the workforce entirely. How can companies and the American culture use this as an opportunity to keep diverse perspectives in the workplace and ensure future female leaders? View the October 13, 2021, recording and the perspectives of national policy experts.
Featured Reports From LMI Members
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Job Openings and Labor Turnover Trends for States in 2020
The Bureau of Labor Statistics Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) program publishes estimates on job openings, hires, and separations. JOLTS estimates can provide greater insights into labor market dynamics, such as labor demand and labor turnover, than other employment measures. This Beyond the Numbers article provides updated JOLTS state estimates through 2020 for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. It explores trends in several measures—job openings, hires, separations (including quits, layoffs, and discharges), labor churn, fill rates, and unemployed persons per job opening—that can give us a deeper understanding of business cycles and labor demand across the United States and help businesses and workers make better informed decisions. This article also shows data users how they can use these estimates to evaluate labor demand and labor turnover at regional and state levels. See more here.
New Mexico’s Employment Projections Dashboard
New Mexico’s Department of Workforce Solutions created an Employment Projections dashboard that visualizes the state’s industry and occupational employment projections. Take a look here.
Does your state have a projections dashboard?
Share it with us! We’d love to see it and feature it in the monthly LMI Insider.
Check-out LMI related resources to support your work on the LMI Institute Resources page. Here you will find easy access to critical and essential occupations and industry lists created by the LMI Institute, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, CDC, among other resources.
We welcome your feedback on this edition, and for content suggestions in future editions, of The LMI Insider. Please direct comments, questions, or for more information on the LMI Institute to Marty Romitti, CREC Senior Vice President, at mromitti@crec.net
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