A Publication of the Labor Market Information Institute
Where Can Teleworkers Find Their Best Value?
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a surge of teleworking, raising questions about its impact on specific occupations. While teleworking existed before the pandemic, permanent telework arrangements are increasingly being considered a prospect for employers. This begs the question of what occupations are most susceptible to adopting this new working style. To answer this question, researchers leveraged information from the Occupational Requirements Survey discussed in a 2021 news release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Here the BLS provided estimates for telework availability by occupation.
From an analysis of the BLS data, 83.6% of workers in the sales representatives for wholesalers or manufacturers of technical or scientific products occupations have the availability to telework. This is the highest representation in the dataset followed by market research analysts and software developers.
Given these findings, we can see which occupations workers can perform from the comfort of their home, but where can they obtain the most value? Using the LMI Institute’s Occupational Wage Comparison Tool, we looked at the metropolitan areas where technical or scientific manufacturer sales representatives were the highest paid on average. Those working in San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA are the highest paid on average out of the U.S. metropolitan areas, earning $150,760 per year.
After adjusting for cost of living, the San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara metro area ranked 45th with an adjusted annual salary of $103,421. Upon controlling for such costs, we instead found Iowa City, which was previously 3rd, to now have the highest adjusted annual salary with earnings of $141,739.
LMI Institute Members can download the full dataset in the Member Area. Non-members can learn more online or contact Jennie Allison or Marty Romitti.
Are your Data Viz Skills Prepared for the 21st Century?
We are excited to invite you to participate in our Power BI Basics training. Following her April 2022 Webinar Microsoft Power BI®: Creating an Interactive Text and Data Visualization Tool for a 21st Century Workforce, instructor Cynthia Sundahl, MPA, MA will be offering a 4-session virtual training that takes attendees through the steps to create a report and share it on the web.
This course will provide participants with the skills necessary to take data from excel files and turn it into a finished, multi-page report ready to use internally or publish on the web. You will follow along as the instructor guides you through the process of creating a sample report. By the end of the course, you will know how to: import and format data, set up a data model, add visuals and filters, set up your page layout for PC and mobile view, and load your completed report to the Power Bi service and embed it into your organization’s website.
The course will focus on data and visualizations frequently used by workforce development and community service organizations. Regional and time series data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Census Bureau will form the core of the data model. Visualizations (including maps, charts, and tables) will present summary level data that can be drilled down on for specific insights.
Voices of LMI: Melodee Lane
Upcoming Events, Trainings, and Webinars
Introduction to Labor Market Information eLearning
Available on demand – level-up new analysts ready to be introduced to the world of LMI
Anytime anyplace
2022 Future of Work Summit
September 20 – 23, 2022
Arlington, VA
Power BI Training
September 27, 29; October 4, 6
4:00 – 6:00pmET
Insider View – Be in the Know
Coleridge Initiative Announces Round 2 of the Democratizing Our Data Challenge
A Challenge to Invest in Data and Evidence-based Policy
The Coleridge Initiative announced Round 2 of the Democratizing Our Data Challenge. The Challenge is designed to develop and scale innovative ideas for data products, projects, and services. Driven by agency need, the Challenge supports proposals that seek to produce new and/or actionable information about employment outcomes and economic mobility associated with different transitions.
Proposals should build upon or scale innovative products, such as data linkages, data dashboards, data portals, APIs, data models, or code repositories utilizing data that is or will be hosted in the Coleridge Initiative’s secure, FedRAMP-certified, cloud-based Administrative Data Research Facility (ADRF).
The goal is to support collaboration of state agencies within and across state lines to transform the secure and safe use of data and evidence to inform policy. The deadline to submit a Letter of Intent is September 30, 2022. For more information, visit: www.coleridgeinitiative.org and submit your Letter of Intent.
Are you Interested in a Customized Training for your Staff?
The LMI Institute offers customized data, communications, and technical trainings for states and organizations. If you are interested in getting your staff trained on a particular topic, let us know and we are happy to see how we can assist. Use the button below to contact Jennie Allison to talk further.
Featured Reports and Tools
Oregon Employment Department’s Projections Slider
Oregon’s Projections Slider features 14 charts paired with written explanations that tell the story of how employment is projected to change across Oregon’s industries, occupations, and regions over the 10-year projections period.
The information in the slider helps answer our customers’ most common questions including: How much is employment in Oregon projected to grow over the 10-year period? Which industries will gain jobs? Which will lose jobs? Which are the fastest growing? Which occupations will have the most job openings? What share of jobs will require post-secondary education? And which regions of the state are projected to see the fastest job growth?
Iowa Mission: Employable Podcast
Mission: Employable is a weekly podcast focused on workforce-related topics in Iowa. They feature conversations with subject matter experts about the wide variety of programs and services offered by their agency and partner organizations. It is also a chance to speak with Iowans about innovative solutions for building a skilled workforce. The podcast has something for everyone – employers looking to expand their workforce or job seekers interested in high-demand jobs.
Does your state have a projections dashboard?
Share it with us! We’d love to see it and feature it in the monthly LMI Insider.
We welcome your feedback on this edition, and for content suggestions in future editions, of The LMI Insider. Please direct comments, questions, or for more information on the LMI Institute to Marty Romitti, CREC Senior Vice President, at mromitti@crec.net
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