Virtual Forum
2020 LMI Institute Annual Forum

Annual Forum

Event attendees click here to log in and stream the virtual session recordings

Event presentations are available to Members.





Welcome to the professional development event of the year for economic and workforce development researchers!

“On the other side of a storm is the strength that comes from having navigated through it. Raise your sail and begin.” ― Gregory S. Williams

Going into the conference we were excited to bring you a full slate of sessions that we felt we were important to our network, however with the outbreak of the coronavirus we had to find a new way to bring you this information. We have rebooted and are excited for the 60th annual (virtual) conference. We have a great week of live plenary sessions, roundtable discussions, topical networking hours and a full slate of breakout presentations and technical tutorials to share with our attendees.

The 60th Anniversary of the C2ER Annual Conference and LMI Institute Forum will take on 2020 as we all revive, recover, and restore. Join us to engage and build new skills.

Join us June 1 – 5, 2020 as we move into the next decade and work to better help our regions compete.

For questions or sponsorship opportunities please contact Spencer Abrams at sabrams@crec.net.