Doing Things Differently: Presented by Emsi Burning Glass


How skills data helps us see our community differently, so we can begin doing things differently Often to do things differently, first we need to see things differently. For communities wanting to make transformative changes in their workforce development system, skills data allows them to see their region differently. In this webinar, we’ll showcase how […]

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5 Strategies to Drive More Leads to Your Economic Development Website – Presented by GIS Planning Inc.


Learn five specific, creative ways to drive more qualified investment leads to your economic development website. Presented by Alissa Sklar, Ph.D., VP Marketing of GIS Planning, this free 30-minute webinar will outline 5 specific ways to draw more qualified attention to your website data tools and content. Take advantage of these practical tips and examples […]

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Trends in FDI: Did our Predictions Come True? What’s Next? – Presented by Bureau van Dijk


David East, Director of Product Strategy – Tax, FDI & Economic Products, discusses the FDI trends and predictions from his presentation at the 2019 C2ER Annual Conference. What does the future hold for foreign direct investment in North America? This follow-up webinar covers areas such as: Trade Wars and Brexit North American trends Greenfield FDI, […]

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