Exercise: BEA and Trade


Now that you have learned about the Bureau of Economic Analysis and its data tools, let’s further explore personal income and GDP for your area.

Estimated Time: 10 minutes

First we’ll explore personal income for a region. Select the image below to visit the BEARFACTS tool on the Bureau of Economic Analysis website.

On the BEARFACTS homepage, select the option to search by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).

Select your area from the drop-down menu.

Select “Display” to view your results.

Scroll through the results page to view personal income data for your region.

Select the PDF icon to download a copy of your data.

Now we’ll explore GDP for your region. Select the image below to use the Interactive Data Application on the Bureau of Economic Analysis website.

Select “Regional Data” from the main menu.

Select “Begin Using the Data” from the menu options.

Select Gross Domestic Product by MSA and GDP in Current Dollars.

Select your area from the menu, “All Levels” for statistics, and “Levels” for unit of measure.

Select 2016 for your time period (2017 data is limited).

Your area’s GDP will be displayed along with several options for download.