The LMI Insider – June 2022



June 2022

Welcome to LMI Insider –

A Publication of the Labor Market Information Institute

5 Days Left to Register!

Last Chance – Join the LMI Institute 2022 Annual Forum In-Person or Online! 

Product Updates

Voices of LMI: Amy Faulkner

The LMI Institute continues in 2022 with its Voices of LMI initiative to showcase and promote the great work being done with workforce data around the country. Institute staff are currently conducting interviews with various LMI leaders and researchers to produce brief video stories of what different members and partner organizations do and how the work is being used to make a difference. This installment is an interview with Amy Faulkner, LMI Institute Chair and Chief Deputy Director, California Employment Development Department.


“Over the course of the pandemic the EDD was driven, despite the challenging circumstances, to continue to deliver high quality products and services to the citizens of California in a timely manner.” 

To check out our latest products, publications and more, visit the LMI Member area.

Upcoming Events, Trainings, and Webinars

Introduction to Labor Market Information eLearning

Available on demand – level-up new analysts ready to be introduced to the world of LMI

Anytime anyplace

2022 Annual Forum:

The Road Ahead: Using Data to Pave the Way

June 13 – 16, 2022

Columbus, OH + Virtual

Intermediate R Training: Data Science for Workforce and Economic Development Research

In-person + Virtual:

June 13, 21, 23, 2022

Leadership in Research Workshop: Developing and Managing a Research Operation & Team

In-person + Virtual:

June 13, 21, 28; July 12, 2022

Insider View – Be in the Know

Are you Interested in a Customized Training for your Staff?

The LMI Institute offers customized data, communications, and technical trainings for states and organizations. If you are interested in getting your staff trained on a particular topic, let us know and we are happy to see how we can assist. Contact Jennie Allison to talk further.

Reminder! Free Tableau License for Each State

Supported in part by the LMI Institute, the Projections Managing Partnership (PMP) is continuing to offer one free Tableau license to each state for projections analysts. The PMP hosts a monthly Tableau community of practice to share how to make the most of the tool and Projections Suite. Contact LMI Institute staff if you’d like to request a license for one of your state projections analysts.

Featured Reports From LMI Members

Ohio’s Pre-Post Pandemic Reemployment Analysis

Ohio’s Jobs and Family services Pre-Post Pandemic Reemployment Analysis examines reemployment among those in the accommodation and food services industries and certain health care and social services industries who filed for traditional unemployment benefit claims during March, April, and May 2020. There were three questions to be answered:

  1. Were the claimants reemployed during the first and second quarters of 2021?
  2. During the first and second quarter of 2021, were the claimants employed in the same industries as they were in the first quarter of 2020?
  3. If employed, were the claimants employed by the same employers as they were in the first quarter of 2020?

Reports Series: Certifications as Tools for Workforce and Economic Mobility

Affiliate member Corporation for a Skilled Workforce has co-published a new five-report series on certifications with partners Workcred and the George Washington Institute of Public Policy. The series seeks to increase the visibility and understanding of certifications as versatile tools to increase economic mobility and expand employer talent pools.

For more commentary on the reports, check out these blogs, Certifications Offer Value to Learners and Employers and Certification Bodies Need Incentives to Collect & Share High-Quality Data.

Does your state have a projections dashboard?

Share it with us! We’d love to see it and feature it in the monthly LMI Insider.


Check-out LMI related resources to support your work on the LMI Institute Resources page. Here you will find easy access to critical and essential occupations and industry lists created by the LMI Institute, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, CDC, among other resources.

Does your state have a report or tool you would like to have featured? Please email us!

We welcome your feedback on this edition, and for content suggestions in future editions, of The LMI Insider. Please direct comments, questions, or for more information on the LMI Institute to Marty Romitti, CREC Senior Vice President, at

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