A Publication of the Labor Market Information Institute
2022 Benefield Award Recipient: Coretta Pettway
The Charles Benefield Award, given by the LMI Institute, recognizes LMI professionals demonstrating outstanding leadership in advancing the art and science of labor market information. We are proud this year to announce Coretta Pettway, Assistant Deputy Director for the Office of Workforce Development at Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services, as the recipient. Coretta is a former LMI Institute Board Chair, Annual Forum organizer, and long-time advocate for the LMI system.
Voices of LMI: David Schmidt
Upcoming Events, Trainings, and Webinars
Insider View – Be in the Know
2021 – 2022 LMI Institute Accomplishments
The LMI Institute is proud to be the pre-eminent nationwide resource for supporting LMI professionals in the development, interpretation, and use of labor market information. The board and staff work hard to ensure the Institute offers the latest training techniques, provides networking opportunities across states, educates government and policy makers on the need for more state funding, and conducts research with and about the valuable data you produce in hopes to make it more accessible.
Are you Interested in a Customized Training for your Staff?
The LMI Institute offers customized data, communications, and technical trainings for states and organizations. If you are interested in getting your staff trained on a particular topic, let us know and we are happy to see how we can assist. Contact Jennie Allison to talk further.
Featured Reports From LMI Members
LMI State Research Awards:
The Institute awards program recognizes state LMI agency activities that serve as exemplary examples of the importance and effectiveness LMI data and staff expertise play in critical policy areas. We are excited to announce this year’s winners and commend the great work being done across the U.S.
Does your state have a projections dashboard?
Share it with us! We’d love to see it and feature it in the monthly LMI Insider.
We welcome your feedback on this edition, and for content suggestions in future editions, of The LMI Insider. Please direct comments, questions, or for more information on the LMI Institute to Marty Romitti, CREC Senior Vice President, at mromitti@crec.net
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