A Publication of the Labor Market Information Institute
Are You Ready for the Future of YOUR Work?
What does the Future of Work look like for researchers and labor market analysts? Right now, it might be a mixed bag based on personal software preference, however, there’s no doubt that research is trending for programming languages to be the norm. Sharpen your team’s skills and join the upcoming Beginner R Training!
Back by the most popular demand, we are happy to share the Beginner R Training: Data Science for Community, Workforce, and Economic Development Research will be offered this February virtually. The most in-demand course offered by the LMI Institute and taught by certified R Studio instructors.
This beginner course will introduce you to the code and software needed (remember – R is a free, open source language!), show you how to implement the tools available to help manage big data, create and run routine reports, analyze data for presentations, plus connect you to a group of like-minded users… other state LMI researchers!
Here’s a few things previous attendees had to say:
- This course was “relevant to my work and introduce me how R-programming is a powerful tool even for preparing presentation materials.”
- The concepts and many of the examples were relevant directly applicable to working as a labor market information analyst.
- Learning R with relevant datasets makes it so much interesting and easy to follow
- Thank you thank you thank you to LMII and the instructors!!!! I learned so much and had an amazing experience.
We know time is valuable and virtually there are many competing demands, so we try to offer small chunks of course time over three weeks.
Voices of LMI: Tim Kestner, Virginia LMI Director
Upcoming Events, Trainings, and Webinars
Introduction to Labor Market Information eLearning
Available on demand – level-up new analysts ready to be introduced to the world of LMI
Anytime anyplace
Beginner R Training: Data Science for Community, Workforce, and Economic Development Research
February 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 2022
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM ET
Pre-registration Now Open!
2022 Annual Forum:
The Road Ahead: Using Data to Pave the Way
June 13 – 16, 2022
Columbus, OH + Virtual
Insider View – Be in the Know
What work is your organization doing to help LMI data shine? LMI Institute staff are interested in learning who across the country is helping their state LMI data become the true royalty it is and no longer being one of the best kept data secrets.
The LMI Institute Forum planning committee appreciates everyone who submitted a proposal for the 2022 June Forum. As we build out the agenda, we are particularly interested in hearing from more states about work you’ve done related to the following topics:
- Postsecondary/ CTE Programs
- High Frequency/ Real Time Innovative Data/ UI Data
- Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion in Data
- What Does Data Tell Us About the Future of Work?
- Data Measured by The Power of Remote Work in the Virtual Economy
Anything you would like to share or add, please contact Jennie Allison by January 20th COB.
Featured Reports From LMI Members
Missouri Workforce 2021 Employer Survey Report
A state’s employers and workforce are economic drivers of its success. Missouri has over 200,000 payroll employers who provide jobs for 2.6 million people. Understanding workforce trends and future plans of employers can help inform how to address future staffing, training, and support needs.
For the third consecutive year, Missouri conducted a survey of a representative sample of Missouri’s employers asking questions about the workforce. This 2021 survey looked at both metro and non-metro employers to understand key similarities or differences that may help inform workforce or economic development decisions. See the survey report here.
Kentucky’s Monthly Labor Force Update
Kentucky Center for Statistics does a wonderful job compiling and presenting data around the state. This month the LMI Institute is particularly interested in their monthly publication – The Labor Force Update – that highlights recent data releases on KY Stats. Take a look!
Does your state have a projections dashboard?
Share it with us! We’d love to see it and feature it in the monthly LMI Insider.
Check-out LMI related resources to support your work on the LMI Institute Resources page. Here you will find easy access to critical and essential occupations and industry lists created by the LMI Institute, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, CDC, among other resources.
We welcome your feedback on this edition, and for content suggestions in future editions, of The LMI Insider. Please direct comments, questions, or for more information on the LMI Institute to Marty Romitti, CREC Senior Vice President, at mromitti@crec.net
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