2017 C2ER Accomplishments

During the past 12 months, the Council for Community and Economic Research, YOUR professional membership organization, has been hard at work increasing the visibility of economic, workforce, and community research by advocating for higher quality data, promoting more focused public and private investments in local data, and continuing to strengthen C2ER products and services.  We […]

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Puerto Rico Joins the Cost of Living Index

The upcoming collection period marks Puerto Rico’s third consecutive quarter of participation in C2ER’s Cost of Living Index. Researchers in San Juan first implemented COLI methodology in the second quarter of 2014 and recently began utilizing the Cost of Living Index Calculator. The Calculator is an easy-to-use tool which allows researchers, businesses, governments, and individuals […]

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COLI Q1 2014 Data Released

C2ER released the Cost of Living Index (COLI) first quarter 2014 report in late May. Among the 288 urban areas that participated in the First Quarter 2014 Cost of Living Index, the after-tax cost for a professional/managerial standard of living ranged from more than twice the national average in New York (Manhattan), NY to almost […]

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