2024 Accomplishments

The LMI Institute is the preeminent resource for supporting the development, interpretation, and use of labor market information (LMI). We define LMI as all quantitative or qualitative data and analysis related to employment and the workforce. LMI System & Program Support Continued to implement the LMI Institute strategic plan focused on promoting Institute effectiveness, advocating […]

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COVID-19 & The Labor Market: Equitable Recovery Through Human Infrastructure

Dr. Angela Jackson opened the LMI Institute’s panel entitled Gender, Race, and Ethnicity: The impact of COVID-19 on the Labor Market Recession and Recovery. Dr. Jackson has led New Profit’s Future of Work Initiative, a movement seeking to close the career-readiness gap for Americans from low-income backgrounds. She recently launched a $6 million Future of […]

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Federal Partners Panel: An Update from Agency Leaders

Dr. Mary Bohman, Acting Director and Deputy Director of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Dr. William Beach, Commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and Dr. Ron Jarmin, Acting Director of the U.S. Census Bureau, gathered at the 61st Annual C2ER Conference and LMI Institute Forum’s Federal Partners Panel event to discuss […]

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Join the 2021 National BR|E Benchmarking Summer Challenge!

  Join the 2021 National BR|E Benchmarking Summer Challenge! Now, 15 months after the Covid “Gap,” and a dozen months of pandemic-laced reengagement, the BIG question is. “How has primary sector business and their satisfaction with their community operating environment changed?” To answer these important questions, CREC in association with C2ER and the Synchronist User […]

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Why Certification-Attainment Matters for the US Workforce

The above figure shows the certification attainment rate for workers in the United States and a selected state by degree status. Select your state to see how its certification attainment rate compares with the United States. Contact the LMI Institute to learn how you can embed this visualization on your site. This article is part […]

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Rising Economic Development Spending in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Over the past several years, the State Economic Development Program Expenditures Database team has noticed a sizeable uptick in the volume of state funds Virginia has allocated toward promoting  economic development. This substantial rise in state expenditures is accompanied by relatively stagnant federal funding. The figure charts the change in state expenditures for the commonwealth […]

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Enhanced Partnership Opportunities with MEP Centers through the CARES Act

This blog is the first in a series that will highlight opportunities for OEA grantees to sustain and enhance work undertaken in OEA-funded programs by leveraging new programs and funding related to the Covid-19 pandemic response. Program Description The MEP National Network™ is a public-private partnership that delivers comprehensive solutions to U.S. manufacturers, fueling growth […]

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State Investment in Workforce Development on the Rise

Written by Jacob Stenstrom When analyzing spending on workforce development activities as part of states’ overall economic development expenditures, there has been a substantial increase over the last decade. For the budget year covering 2020, states have committed to spending a total of $1.76 billion on workforce preparation and development. This is more than double […]

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Call for Proposals: 2020 C2ER Annual Conference and LMI Institute Forum

The Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) and the Labor Market Information (LMI) Institute are soliciting proposals for the next annual conference and forum, which will be June 3 – 5, 2020 in Columbus, OH. The theme is The Roaring 2020’s: Mobilizing Your Talent and Economy for the New Decade. The upcoming conference and […]

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Eliminating Barriers for Youth in Apprenticeship Programs

Apprenticeships are a promising solution to employer-reported “skills shortages” and an effective way to connect young adults to in-demand skills and jobs. But to live up to their promise, apprenticeship programs for young adults must more effectively reduce barriers to participation and completion, especially for students of color, according to a new report from the North Carolina Justice Center.

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