Beginner R Training: Data Science for Community, Workforce, and Economic Development Research



Webinar Talk

Beginner R Training: Data Science for Community, Workforce, and Economic Development Research

February 8, 10, 15, 22, 24

4:30 PM – 6:30 PM ET 

Are you sick and tired of manually manipulating data in Excel? Are you eager to level up your data science programming by learning the most widely used open-source statistical analysis language? CIC’s Introduction to R workshop will provide a complete crash course on the full data science workflow, from cleaning and wrangling to visualization. Two RStudio Certified Tidyverse instructors will cover the essentials of popular R packages, including ggplot2, tidyr, dplyr, tidymodels, and rmarkdown. Code will be made available to attendees via RStudio Cloud before and after this hands-on-keyboard session, allowing beginner-level users to dive right in and revisit materials after training.

No programming experience is required for the workshop; however, interested attendees are encouraged to explore the online book R for Data Science, which can be found at here. The curriculum will be tailored to the CIC audience, featuring BLS data and easy ways to include economics and labor data in your code.

Please note:

All training classes will be hosted through Zoom with live instructors.